Wow. Heroes has become a complete train wreck... last Monday's episode is still sitting on my DVR unwatched, because I'm really starting to lose interest.
The writers need to sit down and start killing people off and make up their minds on what they're going to do with their characters (Possible spoilers)
Ando needs to die, and Hiro needs to be smarter and darker like future Hiro in Season 1. Mohinder's character is FUBAR and needs to die. Maya needs to go for not using her power to kill Mohinder last week. HRG and the moms need to die, making Claire even darker (I like her transformation from cheerleader to badass). Also where is Claire's brother this season? Kill him too. Above all, people who die need to stay dead. If they come back somehow (which they very rarely should) make it good - same rule applies if they change "sides"; Sylar is supposedly pure evil and would've killed Ms Petrelli by now.
Bringing back Kristen Bell is the only hope this season has of being good.
If there is a season 4, I hope it is more coherent and explores different ideas rather than the usual "massive, looming catastrophe -> time travel / future seeing -> crisis averted" formula.