Originally Posted by FlatLand Flyer
This thread is littered with people who think they know a lot because they took a few economics classes and can type big, obscure words. From that, it somehow has degraded into some posters that believe we can create a social utopia. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN. At least not in the U.S.
Maybe we just have a higher percentage of lazy people down here than in Canada.
Our government has allowed the disease of laziness to snowball. We have entire generations of people now that only know that they get money from the govt and have no need to work. They have figured out that if they have more and more kids that the govt checks will get bigger. It is the way they were raised and it is the way they are going to raise their kids. There is no incentive to change it because the check still arrives every month. These are not productive members of society, thus they should not be allowed to benefit from social programs.
"Re-distribution of wealth" is a fucking joke.
Can we at least stick to facts.
The welfare reform of the 90s requires:
that the "head" (father or single mother) of every family on welfare must work within two years, or the family will lose benefits.
within two months of receiving assistance, adults must begin performing community service work unless they have found regular jobs.
there is now a lifetime welfare benefits limitation of five cumulative years; states may reduce even more if they choose.
When you demagogue about "disease snowballing" or "getting money and have no need to work" or "no incentive to change because check arrives every month"...the only thing you accomplish is to demonstrate that you dont know the facts.
BTW, your wife should know all of this if she is a county social services attorney.