Originally Posted by Jinn
Rich people have the money right up front, and have no need to save up to buy something they want.
Well, that makes sense. If you have the money, you just buy it. No credit...no layaway.
Originally Posted by Jinn
Our culture demonizes coupons as something the cheap (poor) people do, and they likewise treated layaway, because I don't where else I would've gotten my impression of it as a child.
that, right there, is the reason, in my unprofessional opinion, the reason that the country is in the economic mess that it's in right now. "Our culture demonizes...". Well, yes it does. We have to put up that appearance at all costs. And I do mean at all costs. We bought everything on credit, just to look good for our friends, our neighbors, our co-workers and our families. We put up the
image that we were doing better than we were, by buying on credit. Don't wanna get caught using coupons, or buying on layaway. The Jonses will think that we're...*gasp*...
poor. Gotta have the nicest and latest clothes when jumping into the new car that's sitting in the driveway of the Mcmansion...that we can't afford. "But...everyone else has, or does...".
Look Jinn, I'm not railing on you. Really, I'm not. You just happened to hit a sore spot with me. That's all.
When we still had the journals on TFP, I wrote something about a year ago describing what I thought about all of this. Everything that I warned about has come to pass. All because of people who refuse to live within their means and stop living in a "house of credit cards" (that was the term that I used). And I'm just a dumbassed purchasing agent, with an Assiciates Degree. No PhD in economics here. To me, it was just plain obvious.