Again, Obama actions are not consistent with his words. Although he is highly critical of McCain, Republicans and business in general, when he has an opportunity to serve as a role model what do we get? On the issue of equal pay we get Obama paying his female paid staff less than his male staff on average. McCain on average pays his female staff people more than the males. I wonder why we are not concerned with the inconsistencies between Obama's words and his actions?
But McCain's campaign cited Senate records to assert that McCain pays women better in his office than Obama does.
"Barack Obama says he's for equal pay for women, but women working in his Senate office earn an average of $9,000 less than men. By contrast, women in John McCain's Senate office actually earn an average of nearly $2,000 more than men. The American people understand that real leadership for the change we need is all about what you do, not just empty words," McCain spokesman Brian Rogers said in a statement.
The study that McCain's campaign cites, however, notes that a major reason for the disparity is that McCain has more women in senior, higher-paid positions -- not that women are being paid less than men for the same job.
McCain rebuts Obama ad on equal pay - 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog - Political Intelligence -
Of course we get the footnote about woman not holding the same jobs, I think I have heard that thousands of times before, but when business says it - it is b.s., isn't it?