Originally posted by suviko
Would what you just wrote there qualify as gran scale whine full of generalisations?
See? A guy can't even state his own opinion about women without getting jumped all over by a woman.
This issue cuts both ways ladies.
Where are the male-only spaces? (I don't mean male-dominated, I mean male-only. Dominated implies conflict, which is draining. It would be nice to go somewhere to discuss things without having to constantly defend myself)
I think the LL is a great and valuable space for women, but I do feel a male-only space would not be a bad thing. Some things men (and some men) can only discuss amongst themselves. Women usually aren't as aware of these issues as 1) they don't experience them (i.e. negative stereotypes about men, impotence) and 2) they don't know what they are, as they're not usually present when they're discussed...