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Old 10-16-2008, 08:10 AM   #22 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
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Location: Winston-Salem, NC
In case there was a misunderstanding: yes, the average voter in my area believes email forwards and ads like these. My wife's mother forwarded her an email saying flat out that Obama was a terrorist. Some high school friends I grew up with talk on the Internet about how it's sickening that Americans can vote for someone whose name sounds like Osama. I overheard a trio of old white guys in Wendy's a few months ago talking in an extremely hateful manner about politics. "That Obama...that boy better watch out...if he takes the nomination, HE MIGHT WIND UP SHOT." As if given the opportunity, maybe THEY would do it themselves on behalf of whities......

People are swayed by this bullshit. People are swayed by email forwards and political commercials on TV. I hate to say it but TFP is an extremely bad example of the real world and of real voters. REAL voters vote based on what they grew up hearing which is Republicans will never take your guns and Democrats will. REAL voters vote based on what they heard about Terrorist Obama at their family reunion. Anyone who thinks otherwise is giving too much credit to the stupidity of the US.
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