I think only your boyfriend can answer the question you're asking here. Everyone is different and is attracted to things or acts for different reasons. You guys need to talk it out. Obviously, if it doesn't appeal to you, you're not going to do it, but maybe you could explore through watching a few video clips together and he might be able to better explain what appeals to him about it. I would only caution that you handle it in a loving, supportive way. Try to remember not to degrade him in the process. Phrases such as "That's disgusting" are probably not helpful, and can lead him to close up and not share his desires with you in the future. From your description, he already seems embarrassed and insecure about it and you want him to relax and open up to you. No one should pressure you into doing anything you're not comfortable with, but the tone you set now is likely to have long lasting effects on your relationship.