Yes, this fantasy exists, and it's usually known as "scat" play. It's not very common, but it's out there.
I think it's extremely difficult to understand the "why" behind people's sexual fantasies and inclinations, no matter whether they are normal or more extreme desires. None of us can really judge what is going on in his mind--but it comes down to you two, and what you in particular are able to handle.
How much have you talked about this together? Does he feel that you are judging him for sharing his fantasy with you? Is he open to compromise, or is he unwilling to be in a relationship where this desire of his remains unfulfilled? This can be the really difficult part of negotiating sexual boundaries... to talk about what is comfortable and necessary for both of you, without making each other feel alienated or "freakish." It's essential, I think, for maintaining openness and trust in the relationship.
I would say that given his particular fantasy, there are going to be very few people who will be able to accommodate his needs. I say that not to judge it, but because it's quite far out of the normal range of human sexual behavior. In that sense, given that your sexual desires probably fall a little more along "normal" lines, it's understandable if you don't like it.
If he is willing to compromise and you two can find a way to both be comfortable and satisfied with the situation (even if it means that he has to tone down his desire a bit, and you have to do a bit more work on your side), then it could work in the long run. But if he is absolutely inflexible and will remain unsatisfied and resentful towards you for not being "into" his fantasy, and if it thoroughly disgusts you on a visceral level (which it sounds like it does), then I am not sure if it can work between you. Sexual compatibility has to have some flex to it... if you are at opposite extremes and judging each other or feeling negative about the most intimate part of your relationship, then it can't really work.
How serious is the relationship? Has he ever talked about this with previous partners, and if so, what was their reaction?
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran