Originally Posted by aceventura3
One final question from me concerning this election, and I will no longer take shots at Obama.
Do you folks think Obama is winning the election or is it that McCain is losing it?
Or I guess it is two questions - Are you happy with the answer to the question above?
I think it's both. Obama has had a good ground game from the beginning. I think his ground game caught Hilary off guard and her camp underestimated him from the beginning. McCain hasn't really fared much better.
On the other hand McCain seems to be on about his 50th tact now. There have been days where McCain has contradicted his own comments. Not comments from a week or month ago, comments form earlier that day. Last week his camp seemed to have reached critical mass. It's hard to imagine there's anywhere for him to go but up. The question now is time. Is there enough time for him to go up enough. Personally I don't think so but it is possible I guess, esp. if Obama suffers some self inflected wound.