Originally Posted by GeneralMao
No there is a rational explanation out there somewhere...tfp just happens to have a 'slight' liberal bias
Outside of religion, I haven't really heard anything. I am against this though, not so much for equal rights, but because the state of California is effectively making a national decision. I don't believe California should have had the right to legalize gay marriage in the first place, nor any other state. It causes too many problems, especially when those gay couples travel to other states and their marriage isn't recognized. I believe that the Federal Government should mandate it's legalization already.
Anyone else happen to be with me?
You haven't heard a "rational" explanation because there isn't one.
It has NOTHING to do with a liberal bias, and everything to do with the motivation for this law having nothing to do with reason.
The "reason" they would give you would be to compare gay relationships to incest or to child abuse, insofar as relationships like that are generally thought to pose a threat to the community at large or to have a victim and an abuser. People who support prop 8 (or any anti-gay marriage amendment) truly believe that gay people who get married undermine the "sanctity" of marriage for everyone in the entire country, and that allowing them to get married somehow taints and undermines the strength and meaning of marriage as a social and religious institution.
They believe it is wrong for the same reasons you and I are believe murder and theft are wrong, only instead of a specific victim to the wrong, the victim is society. It's not logical, it's not reasonable and it's not rational. It's motivated purely by close-minded religious fanaticism and a strained reading of one or two sentences in the bible. It's motivated by a hatred for how other people live their lives and a desire to have the law treat them as second class citizens, which is what these people believe they are. It makes as little sense and has as little purpose as the laws which prohibited blacks from marrying did in the Reconstruction South.