Originally Posted by GeneralMao
No, I never said that. I understand our system, I understand that the 10th amendment leaves powers reserved to states, which is what creates our two tier government. You are assuming that I mean take every right away from states. All I am saying is that there should either be a unified definition of marriage [that hopefully promotes equality] or no definition at all. This isn't like a drivers license, where states can mandate an age. This is a national issue, one that is being made by a single state [it just so happens it's the greatest state in the country  ).
Allow me to pose you an example, what if a couple from Texas came here to get married, and then went back to Texas? Do you think their marriage will be instantly recognized?
The federal government already clarified that issue with the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau