Who should pay for the roads that let customers drive to a shop -- the shop owner, or the customers?
Who should pay for the roads that move goods to the shop -- the shop owner, or the customers?
Who should pay for the education that teaches people enough so they know how to make smart voting decisions?
Who should pay for the military might that enforces the open-door policy on other nations, and defends the overseas investments of American companies?
Who should pay for the military might that guards the trade lanes of the world?
If there is a river that takes 1000$ a year to maintain, and there are two mills on that river -- one is larger and the other smaller. The larger mill makes 10 million$ per year, the smaller 1 million $ per year, and each employs 10 employees who are paid 30,000$ per year each. Who should pay to maintain the river?
Which segment of the American population gets the lowest marginal dollar actual income gain from an additional dollar of income, right now?
What is the economic, social, happiness and security consequences of a steep local slope in the wealth curve?
If you take a bunch of simple trading AIs, a fair market with somewhat limited information, and start all of the AIs off equally, what kind of wealth distribution do you expect to get after a few trade cycles? (remember -- there is zero difference in the competence or starting position of the AIs, other than random asymmetric information advantages that change each cycle)
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.