Is that what you meant, or did you mean to convey something else entirely?
Also, see how logic works in a coin toss? I disregarded my intense predispostion to say that on Monday Night the Giants would fall because the only thing for certain I could have said was that the Browns were in a position to prove everything, yet the Giants were solely in a position to conform to the granted hearsay and speculation of domination. I wanted the Giants to lose, but I couldn't equivocally say they would lose on three turnovers; coming off four games, Manning only threw for a lonely interception.
So, I was wrong, but it doesn't matter. So much statistics and history are factored into a heads-or-tails decision such as the outcome of a football game that any given sunday, yada yada yada.
I wonder why this query wasn't posed at the beginning of the week 6? There are only two winless teams left now, Cincinnati and Detroit. I don't see them winning for at least two weeks, though. Bengals I see have a 45% chance to capitalize on Houston, and Detriot might pull it together in time for the meeting at Chicago. But, what do I know?
I'd like Tenn. to lose to Kansas City now, invoking football's law of averages, but I doubt that would pass. Maybe Indy's offense will pose a challenge, or perhaps Green Bay will have great coverage in the secondary to pull off a defensively-intercerpted score.
Sorry I am commenting on a trivial topic that bears no weight on anything at all.
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves. —Mohandas K. Gandhi