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Old 10-14-2008, 06:45 PM   #34 (permalink)
I don't know why I'm doing this, but here goes...

step one is to translate your premises out of the cloud of rightwing gobble-de-gook that they currently framed in, and pose on that basis questions that are worth the trouble of addressing.
You first. I have yet to see you post anything which isn't some equally impenetrable form of leftwing gobble-do-gook.

well, first of all i have no faith at all that any conservative actually knows what socialism is.
A system of economic organization wherein the means of production is owned, primarily or in total, by the State or, in some understandings, any collective body. There; care to retract that snide little gem?

it is an empty category around which various nitwit projections get clustered. the defining features of socialism--democratic socialism anyway--have nothing to do with tax rates, particularly not taken in isolation.
Except that when you tax someone's earnings, you're taxing all the time, effort, and thought he put into making that money. You are now taking ownership of one of the crucial means of production (capital) by force and transferring its' control to the State. Moreover, you are ex post facto taking possession of the time, effort, and thought which went into making that money: howzit feel to be a Slave Owner? Means of production under control of the State; Socialism.

one of the main features of a democratic socialist system is a political orientation toward full employment.
how anyone gets from that to any of these conservative cliche's about "sitting on your hands" is beyond me
If you -really- need an answer to that, come check out my neighborhood (such as it is.) 60+ able-bodied adults, 4 people with jobs. The rest sit on their arses and drink Nyquil all day while drawing checks because they can. Because the system allows them to do so. What you "liberals" frequently fail to realize is that some people are just plain lazy, stupid, and happy that way: they're perfectly happy to be subsidised with my money. Giving these people a job is like giving The Tragedy of Othello to a milk cow: she doesn't want it, wouldn't know what to do with it if she did, and is perfectly happy with the Status Quo.

it's really just a transfer of wealth from one place to another--nothing moral about it---a political consensus is what matters.
So let me get this straight. I'm walking down the street at night and I run into three other guys. They pull guns and demand my money (3:1 majority rules seems like a political consensus). I pay them because I don't want to wake up missing my kidneys tomorrow. They leave with my money (transferring my wealth from my pockets into their own) and I go home without the paycheck I worked all week for. And you find this acceptable?! Please tell me I'm misreading your leftwing gobble-de-gook here: I haven't been a Communist in some years and I'm afraid I've lost my ear for the language.

the "effects" on the "welfare class" is in another matter, another conservative fever dream.
So my whole street, all three burnt-out meth-labs, child-molester, Church-cheating welfare queens with the Dodge Ram 'n all, is an hallucination? Fascinating...

it is a mystery to me why people choose to believe it
Because we can look out our windows and see it, it's kind of like trees that way.

job retraining. high wages. relatively tightly regulated work conditions. profit sharing. shared control over the management of the workplace with employees (through proxies typically on the order of facility committees--personally, i'm in favor of a more radical form of direct-democratic control over the workplace, but that's another matter.)
All enforced at the point of a gun. Why is it, I wonder, that you lefties are so disinclined to acknowledge this aspect of your pipe-dreams? Every single one of those nice little ideas up there would be enforced upon others by violence or the threat of violence. Funny how "evil" Capitalism is predicated upon mutually beneficial voluntary exchange, while "good" Communism or Socialism is based on threatening to blow someone's face off.

because the state is involved more extensively and explicitly in the shaping of system parameters, those parameters become political. this makes them MORE responsive to democratic control. the american model of disappearing state functions behind an illusion of "free markets" is about REDUCING responsiveness to democratic pressure and LIMITING the ability of people to impact upon how the system operates.

i don't know why that's desirable.
Because the world is full of deeply, deeply stupid people who have no business trying to run a trotline, let alone an enterprise with more than two people. Stupid people vote for stupid things, and stupid things are something I do my level best to avoid. Unfortunately, stupid people voting for stupid things frequently succeed in getting them, as witness almost everything Congress has done in the past eight years.

i am pleased to see the "free market" ideology, and its ultra-right variant in anarcho-conservative "libertarian" thinking being pulverized by events unfolding in the world.
Why in God's name would you think that was what you were seeing? This is Mercantilism or Corporatism or Fascism (take your pick) failing under its' own weight, not Capitalism. Capitalism disallows the Gov't interference and distortion of Markets which created this problem in the first place, especially the ridiculous notion of "Corporate Personhood" which allowed the monstrosity known as Corporate Welfare (AKA The Big Bad Bailout) to exist in the first place.

how is it possible for example to erase the history of actually existing capitalism--which is only a coherent social system--that is the dominant mode of production at the scale we now are accumstomed to thinking about--after 1870. capitalism as a dominant mode of production has been remarkably unstable--depression in the 1870s, depression in the war...depression in the 1920s and into the 1930s--world war.
Again, NONE of this is Capitalism! Capitalism was destroyed in the US by the 1850s, mostly thanks to the Eerie, and was buried 12 feet deep by that treasonous scumbag Abraham Lincoln's War Department.
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