I have to admit I don't really care for either party this time around. I will say however that I do believe in abstinence only education. My 'sex ed' began with the person saying "when you have sex..." not if or when you feel ready but when you do and then handed us condoms, I personally was like WTF?!?! I think that parents should choose the depth of the sex education their child receives. Now don't think I'm some stupid hick who is ill informed. I fully intend to discuss w/ my daughter exactly everything she needs to know, and if and when the time comes I'm fully prepared to take her to the doctor and get BC for her.
My second opinion I want to express is that I could never vote for someone pro-choice. I don't think it's fair that girls now go out and sleep around and just because they are too lazy to remember a pill everyday or to wrap it up before they get busy that they think taking an innocent life is ok. It's not. Period. I think that that unborn child needs someone to fight for it. And I'm more than willing to do so. I don't understand why we lock up people like Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy for killing people (heck they even had somone fight for their freedom and life-AKA lawyers) but yet women can go and have MULTIPLE abortions and we think its fine. I get that people say that a baby at 10 weeks in the uterus would be unable to survive on its own and this is true, but a baby that is born 10 weeks old also would not survive if someone was not there to take care of it. If someone leaves a ten week old baby in the dumpster why is it they are arrested if found but a woman who has an abortion is able to walk free is she pays someone to murder her baby?
Now I do understand that there are situations in which it changes the outlook on abortions. I was raped when I was 18. I got severely stressed and depressed and missed 2 periods, I thought I was pregnant and terrified of taking a pregnancy test thinking it would confirm my fears. However it NEVER ONCE crossed my mind that it would be ok to aborting that baby when I thought that maybe I was. If it had really bothered me if I had been I would have put the baby up for adoption.
I don't understand how Obama can say that its ok to abort late term. How can you say that something whose heartbeat is detectable by 5-6 weeks is not a person is beyond me.
So basically all this to say that Obama=No Fucking Way in Hell For Me, and that I can agree with the moral aspects that Sarah Palin portrays
edited for : please don't hate me