Today I was eating some chinese food, and a piece of it kind of fell down my throat! Do you know when you eat your bread without chewing and it slowly slides down in a big glob?
It was like that but soooo, soooo, sooo much more painful. As soon as I realized it was lodged I thought uh oh. It felt sharp. I began going into strange convulsions around my chest and upper back area. My arms ached horribly! I was panicking because something odd was happening. The food was trying to vomit, but it was being stuck. I thought of my breathing and the potential for choking on my vomit or something like that.
So I made a move. I quickly ran into my mothers bedroom, where she was sleeping, and told her Mom I'm choking! She shot into action. It was hilarious in hines sight. She went from 0% to 200% in a second. I was able to tell her what was going on because I wasn't really choking. Still the pain was so fucking intense.
This is where an amazing feat of evolution happened. My body began to create this very heavy lubricated saliva by the litre. I had this natural instinct to go outside and counciously do this maneuver, which is sort of like forcing oneself to burp. It was not vomiting, what I would consider vomiting, but much like it.
I musta been bent over, drooling all over the place, heaving, and spitting out crumped chunks of broccoli for about 10 minutes.
I can't stress more how painful it was. Anyway
Just my 2 cents for the day, and chew your food damnit!