I am going to make a totally unfair attack against Obama. Those who are sensitive to such attacks should stop reading this post.
So, Obama said that he thought Ayers was "rehabilitated" and it got me to thinking. Gee, what if after Obama gets elected, and of course stops the illegal wire taps, and he get a text message from Osama Bin Ladin. I would imagine it to go like this:
From Bin Ladin: ?4U (question for you)
From Obama: W@ (what?)
Bin Ladin: Ben Rhabd! ( I have been rehabilitated)
Obama: KEWL! (cool)
Bin Ladin: MIRL (lets meet in real life)
Obama: 2Mor (tomorrow)
Bin Ladin: No DD (no due diligence)
Obama: DF (don't even go there with me)
Bin Ladin: lOl (laugh out loud)
I apologize to all, but I had to do it.
Everyone who did not read this, it is now safe to carry on.