Originally Posted by aceventura3
That is why I never liked McCain. He currently has two things going for him. One - he is running against Obama. Two - He picked Palin, a future leader of the party in my view. I thought the reason the left loved McCain was because of his turns, especially when he turned against the party. He has a history of turning, but now the left thinks he is a rubber stamp of Bush - that is fantasy. But it is working for you folks, to bad it is not truth.
See, I don't know if I should cha-cha to "Pallin, the extreme right-wing social conservative" as the future of the self-immiolation of the far-right in the USA...
Or shiver, at the possibility of someone who would encourage crowds to yell "kill him", and "terrorist" about her opponent, in a position of power while having the time of her life.
The republican party tried to coopt the racists in the southern strategy of the 70s, then the dominionists in the culture wars of the 80s and 90s. In both cases, it poisoned the party -- although it did grant them periods of electoral success. (Coopting the racist dixiecrat wing of the democratic party (southern strategy), and then catering to dominionists, was a quite effective way to get a strong base of votes).
My general advice for most nations on the earth looking at the possibility of a Republican presidency: start working on your nuclear weapons programs.