Originally Posted by Boo
What is disappointing is that with all the "abuse of power" etc.... Wooten is still a state trooper.
I am surprised that anyone would side with a guy that threatened to kill a family member. Drinking in a police car wile armed etc... would just get the rest of us fired. Thereatening my family could get someone killed.
Todd Palin was doing the people in the state of Alaska a favor by trying to rid the force of Wooten. Unfortunately, the union favors him.
What is the basis for believing that Wooten did the things the Palins accused him of? Branchflower didn't buy the accusations, nor did the mostly Republican committee that signed off on the report. The divorce/custody judge pointed out that the Palins' vendetta was not in their own interests -- and certainly not in the children's best interest. He called the attacks on Wooten a form of child abuse.
The image you get of Todd Palin in all this is one of a crazy stalker dude, too vindictive and too stupid to know that he's hurting everyone.