Originally Posted by dc_dux
Perhaps no one turned on McCain....and it was he who did the turning.
That is why I never liked McCain. He currently has two things going for him. One - he is running against Obama. Two - He picked Palin, a future leader of the party in my view. I thought the reason the left loved McCain was because of his turns, especially when he turned against the party. He has a history of turning, but now the left thinks he is a rubber stamp of Bush - that is fantasy. But it is working for you folks, to bad it is not truth.
-----Added 13/10/2008 at 01 : 12 : 31-----
Originally Posted by dc_dux
Moondog....IMO, ace's comment about Obama's more comprehensive transition planning being "to impress people" was disingenuous.
How dare I say something negative about Obama? Please forgive me.
I tried to explain why I thought Obama's plans were more thoughtful and deliberative....in part because of the same reasons you attribute to Bush...two wars and an economic crisis. Ace suggested it was for show.
Let's be clear. One can prepare, without making public pronouncements. And, one can be prepared because they have been giving it thought for years. When I issue press releases I do it for one reason, publicity. You need publicity to make money or in the case of politicians, to get votes.
I want the next president to be up and running at as close to full speed as possible on Jan 20.
If you see it differently..thats cool!
No one sees it different. But understand that Obama is running for President, trying to get votes, why is it so extreme that he might do things like announce a transition team to get votes? How long have you been in Washington?