Originally Posted by highthief
I'm a cynical person when it comes to people saying they'd do this or do that in a given situation - I think most people are fairly selfish at the end of the day. But I don't think most people would abuse their power in this manner as part of a family feud.
I am flawed. I am not as forgiving as I should be. If a person tazed my nephew, abused my sister - I would make that person's life difficult.
-----Added 13/10/2008 at 12 : 45 : 16-----
Originally Posted by roachboy
wait--so the republican argument about sarah palin is that she's so much just like you that you would have done the same thing she did because, after all, you're just like her? because of course being just like her that is what you would have done and you're just like her. it's like a series of statements masquerading as questions, isn't it? what do these statements mean? is this a tautology?
I vote for people who share my values, as simple as it is it bears repeating because because I often wonder on what basis others vote.
-----Added 13/10/2008 at 12 : 49 : 00-----
Originally Posted by Boo
What is disappointing is that with all the "abuse of power" etc.... Wooten is still a state trooper.
I am surprised that anyone would side with a guy that threatened to kill a family member. Drinking in a police car wile armed etc... would just get the rest of us fired. Thereatening my family could get someone killed.
Todd Palin was doing the people in the state of Alaska a favor by trying to rid the force of Wooten. Unfortunately, the union favors him.
Hear, Hear! (or tautology, tautology).
It is like the left is unable to comprehend the other side of the issue.