Originally Posted by dc_dux
ace...you are all over the map.
On the thread on the transistion, you claim McCain doesnt need as much prep as Obama because he knows all these Washington insiders....perhaps he will select a few Dems, but still insiders.
Or perhaps McCain's surprises will be more outsiders who are under investigation for ethics violations at the time of the selection...found later to have violated the public trust.
Your comment makes no sense or it seems you are putting a lot of effort into trying to be disagreeable.
To be clear - my point about a long term Washington insider having an advantage over a Washington outsider, was generic not specific to McCain/Obama. Re-read what I wrote.
Person A in my view starting on transition about 30 days prior to person B in my view will not have a martial advantage over the other. I basically said it won't make a difference, other than to those who put some meaning into forming a transition team before the election. I think Obama publicizing his transition plans is political, done to get votes.
Obama made a safe VP pick in Bidden. McCain to a risk in picking Palin. And generally I think Obama is less of a risk taker than McCain. I think this will be reflected in how they approach appointments.
If the above makes me all over the map, then I am all over the map if you say so. In the words of Popeye the sailor - I am, what I am.
And, speaking of being all over the map, I would stand by my name, my full name with honor. If there are people in the world who would not vote for me because of my middle name, screw 'em. If my opponent tried to make an issue of it, I would take that issue away by saying that I am proud of my name and that I am proud of the people who honor our democracy by voting based on issues. Obama needs to take a stand, then the issue goes away.