Originally Posted by Tully Mars
But again this was mostly done after the McCain people (many of whom have mas experience with this kind of thing) why didn't they spin this the other way? It's like the McCain camp can't figure out how to do even the most basic political move. They currently seem to be trying to move in several different direction at once. The GOP used to the guys you count on to all get on the same page and spew the same answers to ever question.
It looks to me like the McCain/Palin "team" is badly fractured at the moment. I'm not sure Palin's people have any real interaction with McCain's people--if they do, you wouldn't know it by the inconsistency of the two's speaking points. And the way McCain has been zigging and zagging, it seems clear to me he's being pulled in different directions, probably by different people.
Whatever it is, you're right--their ability to form a coherent message is very seriously off, and that used to be THE thing the GOP had complete mastery of.