Favorite Ross/Rachel-esque pairing!
It's a very common tactic in a TV show or movie that we have two pain characters that have a very slowly building affection for one another, all along building angst and drama. The most blatant of them was Ross and Rachel on the sitcom Friends, but there have been myriad examples in film dating back to the beginning of the silver screen. Will they or won't they?!
This thread is here to post your favorite examples of this entertainment phenomena. I'll start with my favorites:
Josh and Donna, The West Wing. Josh Lyman was Deputy White House Chief of Staff in the Bartlet administration in the series The West Wing. He was neurotic, brilliant, and was always falling over himself in relationships. Alongside John was his assistant Donna Moss. Equally brilliant, she was given a chance by Josh when he was running a campaign before the series started. She stayed on with him as he started his job as Deputy Chief. Until a few seasons in, it wasn't apparent that they could be more than friends, but when it became obvious, as Donna was having a discussion with John's ex, the stage was set. What followed was Donna perpetually longing for Josh, and Josh seeming oblivious. This went on until Donna realized that she was dedicating her life to Josh and left to help VP Russell. This, I think shocked Josh into realizing what she meant to him, but it wasn't until the last election of the series that they finally made the move to romantic relationship. While initially, I was bothered by Donna's crush being more schoolgirl and her being a bit helpless, her becoming independent before they finally get together made the whole thing worth it.
Starbuck and Lee, Battlestar Galactica (reimagined). I'm not sure if it's just how awesome the show is, but the relationship between Lee and Starbuck, while obvious from the get go, has been more complex and far more engaging than most other examples of the Ross/Rachel thing. Starbuck is fractured a bit, and Lee has issues with being "too good", a perpetual boyscout. It changes the normal dynamic one might expect. Add to it the fact that we really don't know if they're going to end up together (they both married other people) and it becomes very dramatic. Even if they don't end up together, episodes like Unfinished Business will remain incredibly romantic and tragic. And aren't the best love stories tragedies?
Alright, let's see your favorites!