Originally Posted by Tully Mars
This is part of what I never understood about the situation. If this trooper did all these things and I'm not saying he didn't. Why didn't Palin et el just come out and say "Damn right I tried to protect my family from this guy. I'd have taken the same action if any other family contacted my office and alerted me that a trooper was engaging in these dangerous behaviors aimed at their family. As Governor I have to take action to protect the families of Alaska. We have to think outside the box sometimes when families are in danger." Why she first choose to partake in the investigation then refused is beyond me. Seems to me she could have put this to sleep fairly easily.
I haven't followed this story closely but I guess it is because most people are supposed to be considered innocent until proven otherwise. Divorces can get ugly and family members sometimes pick sides. After they investigated him wasn't he only suspended for shooting a moose using a permit that someone else gave him while hunting with Palin's father? Also I thought I read that his son wanted to see what a taser felt like and he used it at the lowest setting.