This is a very personal subject to me; during the past week, my 79 year old mother was diagnosed with Lymphoma, and it was a late diagnosis; it's spread to her bones. I'm aware, and so is she, that the chances of recovery are slim. I've said for years that death with dignity is one of the most important things in life; there's no dignity in the loss of control of body functions, the inability to communicate, lying in a bed racked with pain that so intense as to be indescribable. The argument that life is sacred just doesn't hold water when the real horrors of cancer take hold; I'll abide by my Mothers descision as to how she wants to deal with the situation, and if she needs help, I'll be there for her. What else can a child who loves his Mother do?
"If I had it to do all over,
I'd do it all over you."