Some more information about 9-11 combos, in human destruction concepts.
The 911 Emergency Phone Number.
I already said that 911 is the emergency phone number in America and
all that i said about that, but it's more complicated if you check.
If you look at a list of emergency phone numbers all over the world,
you can see the following patterns:
Countries with several such numbers,
Usually Police, Medical, and Fire emergencies.
While the different numbers contain some pattern, that makes it easier
to remember all numbers in all emergencies.
999, and many around 999.
and more like those of with other internal patterns.
Countries with only one emergency phone number.
Sometimes like
(A clear pattern, easily remembered)
But most countries with a single number for emergencies, use
usually 911, and 11X, like 112, and other 11's, and 119 even, with a
lot of 911's, as the most obvious without a simple pattern of DDD,
like 999 or 111.
Now, even if they copied it from each other, what kind of pattern
makes it so easy to remember 911 in case of emergency ?
(Bad patterns don't survive. Many countries used a different variation
of the free-number-prefix, before changing it to be more easily
remembered and easily used, for example, and other "bad" numbers are
also updated)
What kind of pattern makes it easy to remember ?
what do you think ? How did the 911 "got itself" into so many
emergency numbers, and "survived" ?
which pattern does this fit the most ?
a. patterns of emergency phone numbers all over the world ?
b. an easy to remember pattern like 000 or 111 or 777 or 999 ?
c. a pattern of "something bad is happening" ?
And about the rest of the emergency numbers, the most common digits
are 1 and 9, and the most common repetitions are 11 and 99 (many
999's), and the other repetitions are much less common, 22,55,66,77,
and even 00, which appears in the basic 000 and 100.
You can see for yourself how much misleading I am, in wikipedia:
Blue Electric Monkey