People you regret letting slip away
Does anyone else ever regret letting a S.O. go?
I for one, definitely miss this cutey I used to see. I was a Sr. in College and she was a Freshman, so I had a lot more complex feelings, thoughts and emotions than she did or so i thought I did. At the time we were hooking up, I never really gave her all of me. But I'll never forget one morning when I woke up after a passionate night, and we started fooling around, I pinned her down, and in the cutest way she said, "You win." With a big goofy grin.
She's happily with someone else now, and I'm 850 miles away in law school. Pretty frequently, I wish that at the time, I gave her a lot more of me, and tried harder to keep her than let her go. I guess in short--this was one time I definitely should have let my guard down--and now I totally missed out.
Anybody care to share their experiences?