Originally Posted by Willravel
Still, I don't like holding just being religious against people, it's not right.
Carefuly, Will... I didn't say that I held being religious against anyone. Very far from it. What I'm talking about in this thread is the cultivating of intimate, very close friendships... people I would call at 3am in an emergency, etc... a very select group of people, the ones I want close to me in a time of need. Not the general population, or what I think of my next-door neighbor, or who I have lunch with from work, etc. Those people's ideologies and philosophy are of little concern to me.
It's my 3 closest friends' beliefs/values/philosophies that matter most to me. One of them is mainstream evangelical, another is a cradle-Catholic, and the 3rd is an atheist (and for the record, I won't see you in atheist heaven, because I'm not an atheist).

But none of them believe that I am going to hell (I certainly don't think any of them are), none of them ever talk or act that way, they are all voting Democrat, always have... and we agree almost completely on the Really Big Issues. I truly don't know how I would be able to confide everything in them, without knowing that we agree on those core issues.