Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Ok, AIG's problem wasn't that it wasn't profitable - it was and is.
Well if it was and it is why did the tax payers have to loan them over 100 billion in what amounts to a bail out? Will we get that back? If so will it be with interest?
Originally Posted by The_Jazz
There's a lot to this, but I'm on my handheld and don't feel like explaining spirals, segregated companies and the real nitty-gritty. When I'm home and have time I'll try.
Please, please do. I can't make head nor tails of most of this bail out. No, not just the AIG part. All I know is now my portion of the national debt just damn near doubled. I pay my bills and I pay my taxes. It rubs me wrong to think I'm bailing out companies who are sending folks to the Ritz Spa and or the freaking Super Bowl. Not to mention sending CEO and CFO out the door with millions. Why am I paying for this?