Originally Posted by kurty[B]
Maybe I'm jumping the gun, but why would McCain need a transitional team? To me, wouldn't we just have more of the same if he takes over as president as we've had under Bush?
I agree with ace, that Obama is probably setting up his team in part as a show. But I'd rather have a president who is getting ready to be president, then a president who is hell bent on repititiously name-calling (both to the other party, and to himself).
Yea, Obama needs to do all he can to "look" Presidential given his lack of substance, values and principles. I doubt McCain feels the need for on-the -job training and could step into the role without an army of transition people.
Just as an example - Obama is going to make us "respected" again around the world, after we become "respected" what is going to be different? Is it that when we go visit France, they will laugh harder at our jokes?

Obama won't be much different than Bush either, if you think he will be...what can I say. Have you noticed lately the frequency at which Obama has been saying he agrees with McCain - does that disturb you?