My personal opinion:
I hate to say it, but I agree with euthanasia, but only in very specific circumstances. First of all, the person must be of completely sound mind, and must fully understand what they are doing, otherwise there is absolutely no way it should be allowed. I agree with it if the person is terminally ill, and in a lot of pain, and the doctors can do nothing to help the person.
I think that the process of "applying" for euthanasia should be pursposely long and complex, with lots of bureaucracy and red tape! Just to ensure that the people who have applied really want it (need it?) and have thought long and hard about it, i.e. it is not just a whimsical decision.
Many people would say that eutanasia is murder, and murder is always wrong. My reaction to this would be that its not murder when someone wants you to do it. In a similar way its not stealing if you have someones permission (in that case its called recieving a gift, or borrowing!)
If your first reaction is to disagree with euthanasia, I would say to you this: Try and picture some person, probably very old, in a lot of pain, unable to live for themselves due to being bedridden, and enjoying absolutely no quality of life. Every breath they take is an extereme effort, and they know that the future holds only the certainty that things will get worse, and that the end will come in a painful and degrading way. This person wants to end the pain, go peacefully, with a little bit of dignity. Now look into their eyes and tell them:
"no. I am not allowing you to do this, but I'm on your side! I want to 'protect you'...killing someone is wrong, and always will be wrong, so sorry, you're going to have to live out your painful and undignified life, because of my delicate sensibilities"
One danger of eutanasia however is that if a person does become very ill, and can no longer cope on their own, and is instead completely dependant on others, that person might feel that they are too much of a burden, and might feel "pressurised" into opting for euthanasia.
Any thoughts?
Last edited by CSflim; 06-08-2003 at 06:24 AM..