There is a lot more to Milton Friedman's meme than you both suggest. He is very thoughtful. I don't want more deregulation, either. However, I do want the people making the decisions to understand the damned system. Just because our current economic situation is totally craptastic doesn't mean that capitalism is out of the question.
If you haven't read it, I strongly suggest Capitalism and Freedom. It is his only work I've read, but I found there to be volumes of logical thoughts about the way things should work. I believe that perhaps if the government hadn't been so vital in increasing the gap between wealthy and poor our state of capitalism would be much, much better, but I'm hardly even a novice on the subject. There is a lot more at work in our financial failure than deregulation... Like this wonderful story "dooH niboR" where all of the poor people are raped of their money so that the upper 3% can buy more hummers and Hummers.
Either way, he's dead now, so no go. This guy can put things in terms that are logical and articulate, something I've yet to see from anybody in D.C.
-Blind faith runs into things!-