Originally Posted by ottopilot
roachboy - you should create a response template...
"comrad, my spin is straight out of the daily kos talking points, so here, let me tie something completely unrelated to your comments while I claim I know what i'm talking about because you don't ... I have absolutely nothing to support my claims over yours, but I live in liberal-land and you're a (insert rb's usual demeaning slurs or conservative stereo-types here) ...blah ...blah ...and I looked it up."
Yeah, that's close enough in a pinch.
moving right along...
Regarding the validity of my claims versus your regurgitation of liberal talking points, I guess we'll just have to see how it all plays out.
he gives you a link to Bill Ayers' site so you could look up for yourself what the dude says and does on a daily basis...and that's a regurgitation of talking points?
We don't have to "see how it all plays out" some of us actually to take the time to educate ourselves about what we're talking about so we don't look like dumbasses when we talk to other educated people. You seem to be content to wear your ignorance like some kind of badge of honor...just a link away dude, what's the problem with reading it? will you get contaminated by knowledge or something?
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