man I dont know if im in the posistion to give adivce yet or not, but I'll tell you this: i asked someone out two days ago. She essentially said no and I said something like "alright, thats too bad your missing out".
You know what? I felt like a million bucks. I started signing a long to sohpie B hawkings "as I lay me down" in my truck as I drove home. I got turned down but for the first time in my life I....I inniated the contact and I found out if it might work out... it didnt but im so damn glad I know that and am not still thinking about her right now wondering. (well okay iam thinking about her because im writing this but anyway).
Im gana ask that older girl in my ethics class if she wants to get some coffee after our study group this wednessday. I dont even care what she says im just so damn happy I KNOW I am going to actually ask her.
I think you kinda have the right idea for me, its good to relax and mess around but im not going to stop working out (i dont just do it to better my appearance, I need it to do my job in the winter).
once I get friends I would be happy to go drinking with the at a party...but you need to know people and know where there is a party before this can happen....
there is no absolute, only the moment.