Originally Posted by roachboy
nice, otto: you're working those o'reilly factor tactics with alpomb--set up a series of false premises based on idiotic interpretations of cherry-picked infotainment, make a rickety series of inferences based on them and them top it off with a false choice between two ludicrous options which presuppose that the previous nonsense is actually compelling.
ayers has been working in elementary education for a long time. his notions of education link it to questions of social justice. it's interesting stuff, not that it would matter if all you're interested in is knuckle-dragging red-baiting.
Teaching Bill Ayers
were we to reverse the tiresome conservative pundit game, the central question would be "why do you oppose social justice, otto?" in that context, it'd be easy to frame out the weather underground---but why do that? i see nothing problematic about having opposed the war in vietnam. i see nothing problematic about the weather underground trying to stop that war--EVEN THOUGH I DO NOT AGREE WITH THEIR TACTICS---not because i oppose them in principle, but because they were ill-considered and self-defeating. but look at ayer's webpage and see what he has to say about it.
but hey, why bother? why bother figuring out what you're actually talking about? why waste your time on reality when red-baiting is so much easier?
what's funny is all this drivel from conservativeland is good publicity for ayers' educational work.
free publicity too.
because not everyone is as stupid as the mc-cain campaign thinks they are.
some folk look stuff up.
roachboy - you should create a response template...
"comrad, my spin is straight out of the daily kos talking points, so here, let me tie something completely unrelated to your comments while I claim I know what i'm talking about because you don't ... I have absolutely nothing to support my claims over yours, but I live in liberal-land and you're a (
insert rb's usual demeaning slurs or conservative stereo-types here) ...blah ...blah ...and I looked it up."
Yeah, that's close enough in a pinch.
moving right along...
Regarding the validity of my claims versus your regurgitation of liberal talking points, I guess we'll just have to see how it all plays out.