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Old 10-07-2008, 03:37 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Location: Washington DC
Originally Posted by ottopilot View Post
I believe he has consistently demonstrated that he is willing to say or do what is politically advantageous for the sole purpose of promoting his career. It would have been disastrous to stand up and say "yes, I absolutely believe in Rev. Wright's Afro-centric teachings because I've regularly attended his church for 20 years and I cannot express enough praise and adoration for my spiritual leader (as indicated in one of his books)"... so he plead ignorance and quickly threw Wright under a bus when it is politically expedient.

The association with Ayres is now demonstrating to be much deeper than he has admitted. As more information is uncovered about this relationship, Obama once again resumes the pattern of claiming ignorance... he was only an acquaintance... he didn't know about the bombings and current philosophy. The problem now is that there is a documented working relationship of Barack and Michelle both proactively supporting Ayers' projects and organizations.

So which is it? Is he so naive that he becomes blindly involved with these people? Did he actively seek out these relationships to merely gain "street-cred"? Or does he truly believe in the radical movements of Wright, Ayers, and others? I believe he is masking his ideological intent with this "audacity of hope" persona... doing or saying anything to get elected.

So is he a moron... or a slick and highly calculating fake?
otto....thanks for you opinion...but I'm still not sure how you think it would impact how he would govern or make policy decisions. Is there any thing in his voting record in the Illinois or US Senate that would suggest those "associations" have influenced his vote?

How do you think it is different from McCain past association with the US Council on World Freedom and its support of right wing death squads in Central America during the illegal Iran-Contra affair? Will that influence McCain's foreign policy decision making process?

Do you believe Palin's association with the extremist anti-American Alaska Independence Party will influence her decision making process?

I dont think the attempt to focus on past association will change the opinions of many Indepedent swing voters still on the fence and most concerned about pocket book issues...but I could be wrong and it wont be the first time.

Obama as "naive" or a "moron" or a "slick and highly calculating fake?" IMO, it is "none of the above"
"The perfect is the enemy of the good."
~ Voltaire

Last edited by dc_dux; 10-07-2008 at 03:43 PM..
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