Goosebumps - Half of body only!?
I was sitting on my girlfriends couch munching on her neck (mmmtasty) when she noticed a rather odd occurence. I was chewing on the right side of her neck, and she got goosebumps like she always does (I'm awesome I guess). Only, she was only getting them on her ride side! Leg, chest, and arm! We experimented a few more times to make sure it wasn't an isolated occurence and then I, being the good little engineer I am, tried out the left side!
I munched away and sure enough, like 5 seconds later, the left side of her body sprouted the little boogers! Leg, chest, and arm! I googled it for like 2 minutes and didn't find anything (if I can't find my answer in 2 minutes, I get angry), so I wanted to ask if anyone else has heard of or can explain this!
Is is normal to only get goosebumples on half of your body? Or is she a cylon or something.
edit: Okay, just conducted a new experiment. Given prolonged exposure to my mouthular area on the Control side of her neck, the Other side of her neck will sprout goosebumps, only much less so...

The Jimmy