Originally Posted by ottopilot
After reconsidering the predictability of politics here at TFP, it's going pretty much the way I should have expected.
I predicted you would say that.
Originally Posted by ottopilot
As with Obama's relationships with Rev. Wright, the relationship and ties to other radical persons/ideologies either demonstrates the political nature of Obama who associates for political benefit and later disavows when these associations are challenged, or he is completely clueless.
I'm very interested to read your opinions regarding this story and how you believe his associations may color his decision making as POTUS.
otto...it would be most helpful if you could offer your opinion on how you believe his "associations" may color his decision making process as POTUS.
-----Added 7/10/2008 at 06 : 45 : 10-----
Here is my short answer......it wont....because the "relationships and ties" as presented by the McCain/Palin campaign and surrogates are not representative of the true nature of the past associations with the persons in question.