Originally Posted by Fremen
What I want to know is, why didn't Peter stop time and rescue Sylar's kid? Doesn't he have Hiro's powers?
Yeah, while I was watching that scene I was wondering why Sylar didn't just use his telekinesis to protect his kid, and why Peter was such a weak ass fighter.
Even though I don't really like them, it kind of bothers me that there hasn't been much of Micah and no mention of his cousin from Season 2. I mean this kid became a pretty important character in the first season, just lost both of his parents in the second season, and he has said that he wants to "help people" and "catch bad guys". Then they setup the character of his cousin who also wants to do more with her life. You'd think the writers could make a decent plot line for them in Season 3 after setting them up for it. I guess its still early in the season...
And I agree they're really going to have to stretch it to justify Spoiler:
releasing Adam Monroe. I mean, he only wanted everyone in the world to die last season. I'm still waiting for Hiro to get his head out of his ass, get a katana, and do something cool, but each episode so far makes it seem unlikely to happen anytime soon.