This show has jumped the shark. I only continue to watch because I do love a good train wreck.
Nobody of importance has died since Isaac Mendez, who isn't dead, just reincarnated as some African nomad
I like Sylar, the power hungry killer who slices people's heads open. Not Gabriel "Mr. Mom" Petrelli. A big thumbs down.
The whole thing was a dream, like when they brought back Patrick Duffy and wrote off an entire season of 'Dallas' WTF?
How many times is the Hatian going to get sucker punched? First a vase, then a trash can lid? His whole 'power nullification' gig just simply isn't helping him.
Kinda lame that they brought Adam back from the dead (figuratively). They'd better have a damn good reason for freeing him.
When will Peter learn that the best way to fix the future is to STOP FUCKING WITH THE PAST? Didn't he watch Star Trek and learn about the temporal Prime Directive?
And finally, Nathan is the fifth Cylon.