Originally Posted by Tully Mars
I can relate to this. My last residence was in a very rural, very "red" area on the northern Oregon coast. Back during the '04 race I supported Kerry/Edwards. Almost all my neighbors and friends were major Bush/Cheney backers. One day I had a long time friend stop by to make sure I had a Bush bumper sticker. I told her "I'm not voting for that guy this time." You'd have thought I told her I want to have sex with her 6 yr. old son. She asked "Who the hell ya voting for then?" I told her and she just about had a melt down. Not long after she left I started getting phone calls from "friends" many offering advice on why I was SOOOOO wrong. Some just wanted to make sure I was going to be home so they could return tools they borrowed etc... One guy called to tell me what an unpatriotic SOB I was. He told me "I thought you were in the Navy, don't you have "veteran plates" on your truck?" "I was and I do." "Well if you vote Kerry you should send them back."
Sounds like they were kinda D-Bags...
Just a personal thought of mine.