Originally Posted by hunnychile
Anyone who votes for Nader is just throwing away their vote IMHO.
It's a waste and sad that folks are so ignorant sometimes, esp. since things MUST change and Soon.
As I've said before, I'm voting for Obama and proud of it.
I definitely wouldn't call my SO ignorant, and he's either voting for Nader or McKinney. He's probably better educated on the issues than the majority of Americans. I don't think he's throwing his vote away; he's using his vote to say something, just like you and I are. Certainly, with the current system, it's hard for independent and third-party candidates to gain traction, but guess what? They're never going to gain any traction if people don't vote for them. He's making a statement about change just as much as you are--albeit in a different way.
Besides, Obama will comfortably carry Oregon, so his vote is well spent on a third-party candidate. And it's his vote to do what he likes with anyway. I vote third-party in some elections, especially local elections. My city councilman is a Pacific Green, and he's running as a Pacific Green for Congress for a seat he has no chance of winning (he's running against the popular incumbent, Rep. Peter DeFazio). I'll be voting for him instead of DeFazio to show some third-party support.
Again, the system will never change if people just keep on voting between the two parties. Some of us have to stick our neck out sometime. For me, this is not that time, but it is for some, and it's better to try and understand that than to call them ignorant or say they're wasting their vote.