Two ways I save a lot of money are 1) learn to cook 2) netflix. Cooking at home typically yields much better food than going out at a fraction of the cost. Also netflix is cheap if you utilize it a bunch. At home we do 2 DVDs at a time. Whenever a DVD comes in the mail we rip it and send it back immediately. Then later that weeks we watch the DVD and delete it. Usually by the time we watch the DVD we already have the next one ready to go. Sometimes we will get 3-4 DVDs ripped at a time giving us a good backlog of DVDs if we get a lot of extra time.
Also if you are single and want to save on entertainment consider getting a fun MMORPG where the monthly cost is fairly low. I remember playing Everquest and getting many many hours of entertainment for $10 a month. Also when playing that game I probably skipped over $10 worth of meals....