Thread: What is Sex? v2
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Old 10-05-2008, 11:27 PM   #22 (permalink)
I have been rolling these questions in my head the last couple of days.

When I am not having sex, I think of it in more cerebral terms: it is the coupling of two people, possibly stemming from feelings of love or lust. Two people combine their genetalia until one or both achieve orgasm. When I am having sex or physical intimacy surrounding sex (foreplay, cuddling afterwards, etc), then it is completely emotional. My mind shuts off and it is just taking the feelings from my body that are coming from someone else and enjoying it. It feels like a train that is going up a hill and you are looking at the view around you and it is beautiful and then you reach the top and you get the coolest ride down.

Before I started having sex, I figured it would be very serious and intense. I have found the opposite to be true. I laugh so much during sex and it makes it so much fun. Even if something goes opposite of plans or something awkward happens, my partner and I laugh and it makes it so much better.
"Mommy, the presidents are squishing me!"

"Using the pull out method of contraceptive is like saying I won't use a seat belt, I'll just jump out of the car before it hits that tree."

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