Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
Speculative? Tell me where ANY union job has made the cost of labor CHEAPER?
That's not anywhere near my intention. In fact, I hope that we'd be paying more. A soldier's income is abysmal. We don't give out enough military scholarships. We don't have enough of the right weapons and armament. No, my understanding and intention is higher cost leading to a more efficient and effective soldier.
I'll make a thread about how to cut overall military costs some other time. This thread is here to spend, but spend for the good of the lower ranking military. Also this thread isn't here for anyone to gripe about how much money might be taken from their paycheck, so let's just avoid that.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
As far as the idea of another position that isn't DoD, you think THAT won't be political?
Let the troops decide how political they need to be to protect themselves. That's the whole point.
Soldiering is the only job you can't quit from (aside from the mob, but that's for another thread). That kind of thing is just asking for abuse from above. The most effective way to prevent abuse from above is organization from below.