Originally Posted by dc_dux
I am a strong union supporter but I just don't see any union-type scenario that would serve the country and represent those in uniform....more than ensuring that the current system, both in terms of redress and benefits, is held more accountable.
It seems like the negatives are all so speculative, though. Isn't there Scandinavian precedence for this? Besides the practically barren wiki article, how familiar is everyone with the military of the Netherlands?
Originally Posted by dc_dux
Perhaps having independent Inspectors General in theater and who are not in the DoD.
That's not a bad idea. I prefer the idea, though, of direct access to the troops. Instead of having their opinions filtered through the chain of command, how about the independent Inspector's General have an office which works directly with military personnel from the lowest rank all the way up? My ultimate concern is clearly representation of the interest of the lower ranks being represented in some transparent and independent way.