What about an 18 year old kid with a gun in the desert putting his life on the line because he was born into poverty and a military recruiter said that the US military would pay for him to go to school? Who's going to stand up if he doesn't get to go to school? Probably some politician looking for political capital in a low income district... not someone with any real vested interest, just someone willing to steal the advocacy away from people that care enough to see the fight through.
This is what organizations like the VA and supposed to be for, if you ask me. Any sort of union like you're saying
would undermine the chain of command. There's no devil's advocate position necessary. It's exactly what would happen and it's exactly why there isn't one. You don't want anything at all that can cause a breakdown in the chain of command on the battlefield. Without it, an army is a collection of grunts with guns.