Originally Posted by pan6467
It's pathetic that those who believe Capitalism is so great and that we have the greatest economic society and freest country ever..... are so willing to allow this country to trade with countries that hate us. It is pathetic that those who cry for human rights and talk about how evil "waterboarding" is or how the Chinese have very few civil rights, or how these countries have blood thirsty dictators.... yet will gladly ship jobs over there, send our money over and demand we have lower tariffs so that these countries can thrive and continue paying kids pennies a day, while we watch factories close, businesses go bankrupt and thousands lose good paying jobs to work at Wal Mart or McDonald's. Not to mention watching tax revenue decrease because there are no factories, no production here.... and what little there is has to either be taxed more to make up for the losses or they get tax abatements from cities, counties and states who tax the people more to make up for the lost revenue.
Seriously, there needs to be minimum standards of health, quality, etc... instituted for global trade in this world. Not to say that all countries would have to join - it should be more of a 'We won't import or export these goods that fail to meet these standards with or from other countries in this group' thing.
That way, countries that say 'Fuck the proles' can import their lead baby spoons and those who want to have a higher quality of life are guaranteed one. Of course, there would have to be harsh penalties for trying to sneak things through and whatnot.