Redlight cameras...ah yes... Those of you saying "don't break the law; don't get a fine" have obviously never been the victim of this monetary scam between the local authorities and the third-part company who owns, operates, and collects the "administrative fees". You've never been "that guy" who had the camera go off while you legally making a right-turn-on-red. Never been "the guy" who wasn't EVEN in the damn vehicle when it went through the red light becase it was being towed to a repair shop, driven by your employess or family member or friend, or worse being driven by someone who just stole your car. "If that's the case, then fight the"payment voucher"... and they'll dismiss it. But you're not "the guy" who falls in this class of folks above who can't fight it, well.....because it's a CIVIL matter and there's is no court who'll see a $75 civil matter, no attorney who'll fight tooth-n-nail for you for a $75 civil matter, certainly no "criminal" attorney that's you've used a number of times because well....HE"S A CRIMINAL ATTORNEY and not a CIVIL ATTORNEY. All of the examples I've list and hundreds more actually happened. The city I live in was the first to dig it's way around Texas laws after several failed attempts in getting it passed. So they went around it through a loophole. Since then, cities around the state have followed suite. We, in this state at least, have proof that yellow lights were shortened to pump up the revenue, that my city violated state law by creating a "imaginary line" in the intercestion (see:
Texas Red Light Camera Offenses Require Imagination) and (
A Simple Method To Dramatically Decrease Traffic Congestion & Why Cities Aren’t Using It) and infact studies show that the cameras actually caused more accidents at those intersection they were installed in (see:
Red-Light Cameras Just Don’t Work) A good website to view these and other information is
The National Motorists Association Website Educate yourself...